Bittersweet Goodbyes

This journey hasn't been easy. Blood, sweat and tears have been shed to get this far. Hours of sleep lost, tons of coffee, and months of anxiety have all led me to this. A point in my life I never thought I'd reach. Many people have doubted me along the way. Many hoped I would never make it. Family members, who showed nothing, but jealously at my success. But, through all of it I still managed to finish with a 3.5 GPA.
Others may look to graduation as a joyous time, and it is, but for me it's a triumph. An incredible journey of perseverance, motivation, dedication, and persistence. Everyday I fought with myself, and everyday I rolled out of bed and dragged my butt to class. I did this day in and day out. Looking back I am glad I did it. When people's words started to make me doubt my ability to finish college I pushed through it. Every single day I gave my all to be the best student I could be.
Here I am a week away from graduation and I think about the instructors who never gave up on me. They were my strength and personal cheerleaders. I also think of all the awesome people I met in the last two years. An incredible group of people who, have made my college experience one I will never forget. The bond I have with my fellow COMmies will never go away. I have some of the greatest friends. Each and everyone of them will all hold a piece of my heart.
If I never thanked them before, I thank them now. I am really lucky. To be a 29-year-old mom of two, graduating college is a big deal for me. Many have shared this journey with me, watched me cry, scream and cuss my way through these two years, but one thing I know they helped me through it. I love you all.
Also, daughters who continue to be the inspiration for me to keep going everyday. The reason I want to be a better person. The reason I push myself so hard to be where I am now. So yes, the late nights after tucking them in and watching the sun peak through the windows just to finish my assignments was totally worth it. Without them I am nothing.
So as I prepare to walk across that stage in a week, I think of everyone I will miss. The bonds I formed and the one's who will continue with their lives elsewhere. This chapter in my life may be ending, but I am looking forward to the future. So although this is goodbye. I wish everyone the best on whatever life throws your way. When all else fails remember if I can do it so can you. Never allow someone to crush your dreams or laugh at your goals.
Until Next Time!!!
Samantha Jan

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