Easter = Family

This year for Easter dinner, I have my brother to thank for the wonderful meal. He went well above and beyond to organize a civilized dinner. Of, Course he had some help from my new adopted granny Donna. She's such a sweet and spunky woman. I wouldn't dare call her old. Lol. 

Donna opened up her home to my family, my brother Albert's family, and of course I can't forget chef Joel and his girlfriend, his friend Josh and Kim who has been a positive influence in my brother's life. 

Joel went the extra mile to fill plastic eggs for my daughter's and niece Kenzie. The girls had such a fun time running like a bunch of wild banshees. Kids really love egg hunts. Who knew plastic eggs could entertain young children. However, it was a nice touch. 

I can say I am thankful to have been able to at least spend Easter with family. Although, some in attendance aren't blood, I consider them family. Donna is no mom-mom Donna to my girls. And Abby who, isn't much of a people person is quite fond of her. 

So yes, Easter may not have been celebrated traditionally this year with attending Mass and huge amounts of people gathered glued to their phones, but what I learned is sometimes small, personal affairs are better. 

I hope everyone had a great Easter... 

Until next time,
Samantha Jan


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