Thank goodness for unexpected blessings

A lot has happened since my last post. I am super excited to share all the good news with you all. I'll give you a quick refresher a few months ago I announced that my brother Albert and his girlfriend Tiffany were expecting a child in June.....

On Friday, Feb. 19 they found out the sex. Its a GIRL !!!! They have chosen to name her Madison Rayne Salto. I cannot wait to meet her. Hopefully, she will wait to make her appearance after I return from France.

Speaking of France, if you recall a few months ago I made a post about wanting to study abroad to Paris and was working hard to raise money. Well also on Friday, I received an email stating I was awarded a study abroad scholarship. So, folks this college mama will be going to France for 10 days on May 31st. Funny thing is I wasn't even sure I would be selected for the scholarship.

Many of you know this is my last semester in my Associates degree program, well so much has happened this semester and I am only halfway through. I recently submitted my graduation application.

As part of my graduation requirements I need to complete 180 internship hours. I am nearly halfway through my hours. I have also had several of my article posted online or in the local paper where I intern.

And lastly, I was recently invited to join Alpha Beta Gamma at Delaware Tech. This is a huge deal for me and I am so excited to be a part of it.

Some things in life happen when you least expect it, but being humble and thankful has definitely paid off.

Thank you Jesus

Until Next Time,

Samantha Jan 


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