How the Monroe's Spent Halloween

 Goblins and ghouls. Princesses and superheros. Tons of kids dressed in their cute costumes going door to door to receive their treats. Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. I love taking my daughters trick or treating. 

This year my five-year-old insisted on being a superhero. I asked her what type of superhero she wanted to be and she replies " a girl one." Of course I laughed because her response was so cute. I started naming off "girl" superheros and finally she decided on Batgirl. 

Fast forward a few days next task was to find this Batgirl costume. So here I am at Wal-Mart and I am looking through all these costumes. In about 10 minutes I found a Batgirl costume. Now when you think of Batgirl you may think black with a yellow bat symbol. NOPE... the costume I found looked almost like a damn pink tutu and pink everywhere. Nevertheless it was the one we chose. 

Finding my youngest daughter's costume was an even more challenging task. I had no idea what she wanted to be. So I began thinking about the shows on television that she watches. Finally, it hit me she can be a pirate. Not a mean pirate, but a friendly and cute looking pirate. Thanks to Disney's "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" her favorite show. 

So finding the costumes wasn't so bad. Let me tell you what was bad, the wait. Everyday for three weeks all I heard "is it Halloween yet? My kids were so excited and anxious for Halloween. And quite frankly I was too. So when Halloween finally arrived it became a huge day of preparation.

The girls wanted to put their costumes on at 8 a.m. of course I didn't let them put them on that early. So after breakfast and our Sat. chores the girl were allowed to wear their costumes. I figured hey why not it's Halloween. Everywhere we went my kids showed off their costumes. 

It doesn't take much to entertain children and by the time they could start trick or treating they were so excited. The look on their faces told me that this was more than candy. It was about fun and family. 

The evening was off to a good start, but after an hour my youngest had had enough. She was so exhausted. She wanted my husband to pick her up. Considering how much walking we did in an hour she did great. Tons of candy later we were back home and ready to gorge on our favorite treats. 

I do want to add.... The most popular costumes I saw this year were Hulk, Batman, Batgirl, Princesses, and Ninja Turtles. Believe it or not I only saw one Elsa. 

How did you and your kiddos spend Halloween?  What costume was popular in your area? What goodies are your fave? 

Until next time? 

Samantha Jan


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