Making my dream a reality

As a child I dreamed of seeing the world. Going places, travelling the globe, experiencing new things and learning about different cultures. One of the many places I dreamt about seeing is France. Somehow I just knew I would end up there someday.

Those childish dreams seemed so far fetched until just recently. Last semester one of my instructor's talked to the class about the study abroad program. I knew about the program, but never paid any attention to until she mentioned France. 

My heart stopped and I asked her to tell me more about. She told me that in the spring of 2016 the college would be taking 16 students to France. Suddenly my heart began to sink because what if I wasn't one of those 16 students. She assured me not to worry about until later in the year when time got closer. 

Well it is getting closer and I recently met with the Global Understanding adviser. I pretty much had an interview. Questions about travelling out of the country, walking long distances, obtaining a passport, and so on. 

Everything I was being asked seemed like common knowledge and I began to see that I would soon be going to France. Another bombshell I would need a $200 deposit. Not only that, but the cost of going is $3,300.

Again I felt like a child again like my childhood dream would never become a reality. I thought of ways to raise the money to go. One day I sparked up a conversation with my younger brother and he seemed really interested in why I wanted to go. 

I mean come one France has so much history for one. Second the culture. And lastly the food. French food just sounds amazing. But really going to France would help with my educational and career endeavors. 

Honestly I was really upset that all my dreams were fading away. A once in a life trip to Paris, France. 10 days of a life changing experience. And all I can think about is how am I going to get the money to get there. 

Then my brother told me to check my email. I suspected he was up to something, but he assured me he wasn't. So I checked my email. There it was a Gofund me account set up by my brother. My heart skipped a beat and I became overwhelmed with emotions. Tears began to flow. I could't speak so I sent him a long text thanking him for caring so much about my dream. 

He knew I wouldn't ask anyone for a dime and still he took 15 minutes of his time to do something for me. I made sure to tell him it was a silly idea. Explaining to him that my dreams aren't important to everyone. His response to me was "you never know." 

Within the first couple of hours I received my first and only donation. It came from my husband's uncle. I am so grateful for the donation. Sometimes I think maybe I'll reach my goal maybe I won't , but the fact people unselfishly thought about me is awesome. 

I believe dreams come true... And all because someone else believe in them it makes them more prone to be come true. 

Until next time

Samantha Jan


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