29 doesn't feel that old

On Oct.17  I turned 29. I know what you're thinking 29 that's not old. "To be 29 again!" "At least your not 30." Yes, I've heard the remarks, but sometimes I feel old. Hell I even have a few grey hairs that I keep hidden by constantly dying my hair. Nevertheless, 29 doesn't feel that old.

I still have the same routine. Nothing has really changed. I still tend to my household and attend class. I still have lunch with my friend Tracy. We still have great conversations about everything. In the mist of it all I still find time to do my homework, cook dinner,do housework, be a mother to my daughters and be a wife. 

Sounds exhausting, but in reality it's not that bad. I mean most people complain about working eight hours a day or doing tons of work for their classes, but me I wouldn't trade it for the world. If it was easy everyone would be doing it. 

Anyway waking up on my birthday another year older was the only thing different about me. I was able to get up and enjoy the day with my family and ending the evening by doing homework. Yeah.. you read that right. I did homework on my birthday. To me it was another day. How else am I going to maintain my GPA and receive scholarships. (that's another story for another time.)

Some people want money or gifts for their birthday, but this year it was different. I wanted to spend time with my daughters and husband. They surprised me and they ended up taking me to dinner. I received several birthday wishes on social media and I acknowledged every single one. Anyone who took time from their day to wish me happy birthday deserved my thanks. 

As a parent I sometimes sit and think about what how my mother feels about me getting older. After all if I am aging so is she. I realize I don't have to think to hard about it because I watch my babies grow everyday and I wish life had a pause button. 

In my 29 years of life I think about all the times I let my mother down. I also take a step back think of all the ways I made her proud. In almost three decades I would hope that I've been the daughter my mother always wanted me to be. 

So I will tell you again... sometimes on my worst days I feel old. I have experienced things some people should never have to experience and I have done things everyone should experience. At 29 I am a mother, and college student. At 29 I have made the Dean's and President's List. I've maintained a GPA of 3.5 or higher. And at 29 I will be studying abroad to France.

No 29 doesn't feel that old at all. I still have my health and my faith. I am still the same old Samantha Jan just another year older.

Look out 30.... 

Until next time!!
Samantha Jan


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